This ethnic group's story in Roatan begins March 1797 when 5,080 Garinagus left the island of St Vincent (Yurumei). Out of all these only an approximate of 2,245 reached Punta Gorda, Roatan on the 12th of April that same year. Some stayed on the island to live while others moved to the east and west of the Central American Atlantic coast.
La historia de este grupo etnico en Roatan comienza en Marzo de 1979 cuando 5,080 Garinagus dejaron la isla de San Vicente (Yurumei). De todos estos, solo aproximadamente 2,245 llegaron a Punta Gorda, Roatan el 12 de Abril de ese mismo ano. Algunos se quedaron a vivir en la isla mientras que otros se mudaron al este y oeste de la costa atlantica de Centroamerica.
Trajes Tipicos Garifuna - Traditional Garifuna Outfits |
Their women are known for wearing their hair in braids and singing their traditional songs. Their men are known for their traditional clothes and wearing a handkerchief around their heads. The Garifunas to this day keep their culture alive by singing Parrandas Real, where they get inspired by stories of their personal lives and for dancing their most famous La Punta, a dance that is so iconic they are recognized in other countries for. This group's culture is extremely strong, they speak their native language and are known for their distinctive but exquisite gastronomy.
Sus mujeres son conocidas por usar su pelo en trenzas y cantar sus canciones tradicionales. Sus hombres son conocidos pro sus trajes tradicionales y usar un panuelo en sus cabezas. Hasta el dia de hoy, los Garifunas mantienen sus cultura viva cantando Parrandas Real, donde se inspiran de historias de su vida personal y por bailar su famoso 'La Punta', un baile que es tan iconico que son reconocidos en otros paises por el. La cultura de este grupo es extremadamente fuerte, hablan su lengua nativa y son conocidos por su distinta pero exquisita gastronomia.
Sopa de Mariscos con Machuca - Seafood Soup with Machuca |
The Garifuna's Punta Gorda town was founded by seven local communities: Canabraval, La Cola, Iguana, Ingles, Lagarto, Punta Gorda and German Emilio Gonzalez. This town has around three-thousand inhabitants. It is found in the municipality of Jose Santos Guardiola, at the far east of the island of Roatan. It is 8 kilometers long and 4 kilometers wide.
El pueblo Garifuna de Punta Gorda fue fundado por siete comunidades locales: Canabraval, La Cola, Iguana, Ingles, Lagarto, Punta Gorda y German Emilio Gonzalez. Este pueblo tiene alrededor de tres mil habitantes. Es localizado en la municipalidad de Jose Santos Guardiola, al extremo este de la isla de Roatan. Tiene 8 kilometros de largo y 4 kilometros de ancho.
Casas Tradicionales Antiguas - Traditional Old Houses |
Nowadays, this cultural town is home to Garifunas, Misquitos (from the Mosquito coast), and these races mixed with each other. The great majority of these people are of catholic religion. This ethnic group is so in touch with their roots that they are even hired to dance and play their songs at the cruise ports of Honduras. They make even the most apathetic tourist smile to see them move to the beat of their drums and dance with such joy. The Garifuna are by far the most faithful people to their history we have ever met.
Hoy en dia, este pueblo cultural es hogar a los Garifunas, Misquitos (de la Moskitia) y estas razas mezcladas entre si. La gran mayoria de estas personas son de religion catolica. Este grupo etnico es tan apegado a sus raices que hasta son contratados para bailar y tocar su musica en los puertos de crucero de Honduras. Estos hacen hasta al turista mas apatico sonreir al verlos moverse al ritmo de sus tambores y bailar con tanta alegria. Los Garifuna son hasta ahora la gente mas fiel a su historia que hemos conocido.
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